Freddy Krueger
The Springwood Slasher – when Freddy was real-life child
He enjoys killing the young – and does so creatively (such as dreams
allow). He likes to employ his “finger knives” for the kill, but because
he appears in your dreams, his methods can be as fantastic as your
dreams….or nightmares.

Freddy Krueger is a burnt-to-a-crisp,
clever, creative, cheeky killer. He is the class clown of
killers. Well, the evil class clown.
A metal finger-knifed glove. However, his only limit is his imagination
and fantasy, having the power of dreams as his ultimate weapon -
he has cooked up all sorts of fantastically inventive ways to kill such
as deceptively morphing into other people to lure in his victims.

Jason Voorhees from Friday the
13th fame. In Freddy vs. Jason (2003) Freddy
recruits Jason from the same Hell they now reside in order to kill in
Springwood. Freddy’s plan? To once again infiltrate the memories of the
town’s denizens of a forgotten Freddy – Springwood’s parents have given
their kids anti-dreaming pills, leaving Freddy powerless. He hopes that
the murders committed by Jason make people think it was done by
Freddy. Good PR right? Wrong. Jason steals a little too much of Freddy’s
thunder, thus the ultimate battle begins.
Freddy Krueger is quite attached to his red and green striped sweater
and fedora hat. His lethal metal knifed-glove is the finishing touch.

Nancy Thompson from the first installment, A Nightmare on Elm
Street, played by Heather Langenkamp (left). She was the
first one to discover who Freddy really was: a child-killer who was
burned alive by the murdered children’s parents. Unfortunately, he
finally got to Nancy in the third installment, A Nightmare on Elm
Street 3: Dream Warriors when she is stabbed by Freddy's glove.
Langenkamp's other notable appearances:
comedy Just the Ten of Us and another horror flick of Wes
Craven's 1989's Shocker.

Springwood, Ohio – but really
attached to Elm Street. Freddy probably prefers the dream-landscape.
Springwood, Ohio is a fictional town much like Halloween's Haddonfield,
Illinois. What exactly is the allure of the mid-west to these serial
killers anyway?
Though there is
no real town of Springwood, Ohio - there is a
Springwood in both Queensland and New South Wales, Australia.
Both are located on the east coast of Australia.
This is the
actual home they used for the exterior scenes of A Nightmare on Elm
It is located
in a residential area in Hollywood, California.

No, not "Stairway to Heaven." It's the creepy
children's nursery rhyme below:
"One, two,
Freddy's coming for you. Three, four, better lock your door. Five, six,
grab your crucifix. Seven, eight, gonna stay up late. Nine, ten, never
sleep again."
The one and only Robert
Some interesting
Robert Englund trivia:
He is an avid surfer!
Auditioned for the part of Luke Skywalker. When turned down, he
suggested to his friend, Mark Hamil to try out for the role.

Freddy is a TV Star!
 The character of Freddy Krueger was so
popular that it inspired a late-night television anthology series called
Freddy’s Nightmare. It followed the same format as Alfred
Hitchcock Presents or the Twilight Zone. Freddy basically hosted
the show that featured the weird goings-on in Springwood, Ohio -
especially on Elm Street.
In 2004, Robert Englund reprised his role as Freddy Krueger, in a new
reality show, Real Nightmares where Robert, as Freddy, places
contestants against their nightmares, in order to overcome it. After
only six episodes ordered, it was soon cancelled in 2005.

In the original Script, Freddy's sweater
was red and yellow.
Wes Craven’s image of Freddy came from a
scary old childhood memory when he was 10 years old. Wes remembers
looking out of a window in the apartment he
lived in and spotting a
drunk man in a striped sweater. The man looked directly at the young Wes
and continued to do so for several minutes…..creepy. It scared him so
that he thought this would be the look for Freddy.
Demi Moore and Courtney Cox both tried
out for the role of Nancy Thompson. Neither won the role, which was
given to Heather Langenkamp.
Johnny Depp’s first role was in A
Nightmare on Elm Street. He played Nancy’s friend Glen Lantz.
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