and cuddly...just don't mess with them!
If you have a hankering for horror toys, don't look
further. We have fallen in love with
Teddy Scares
stuffed bears. They're cute, they're cuddly -
a little bent! Teddy Scares are "evil zombie
bears." So be sure to keep one eye open when cuddling up to one of
these guys!
Each Teddy Scare is decked out in creepy,
homicidal-esque fashion and comes with a dangerously wicked biography that is hysterical!
Teddy Scares come in 12" and 6" sizes. We have some of our
favorites below:

Last Words: "Trust
me, it won't hurt."
Favorite Place: In
the shadows
Favorite Color: Blood
Past Occupation:
School bus driver
Hobbies: Sharpening
his axe and splicing wires

Penitent.Rita Mortis
Granger Evermore
Edwin Morose
For more information or to purchase
these soft and cuddly Teddy Scares Bears, please use the following link:
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....not for your
average girl
To start with,
what's creepier than a doll? This popular opinion is what
inspired the creators of
The Living Dead Dolls,
Long and Damien Glonek. Long and Glonek are (and we quote),
so their dolls truly come from their heart and a passion for horror.
They have created an evil empire of devilishly creepy dolls. Lottie (left) is a personal favorite as well
as the lovely Lulu (right) Each doll comes with a
death certificate
and a handsome coffin!
These popular dolls
have a fan base of middle-aged housewives as well as the obvious goth-loving
kid. Please check out their website for more information or to purchase
these wonderfully, scare-the-bejesus-out-of-you
Living Dead Dolls:
These dolls make us
want to watch that "scary doll movie" with Karen Black, 1975's,
Trilogy of Terror. In the last third of the trilogy called
Amelia, Black has a bloody tete-a-tete with a Zuni fetish
doll. Once it's protective chain slips off, it comes to life with a
fetish for murder. Very creepy - see The Voodooz below!
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sadly beautiful.....
Interested in more goth dolls? By chance
we came across these gorgeously melancholy and sadly
beautiful dolls and had to showcase them on Boo.
Their names are
Ellowyne Wilde
Evangeline Ghastly.
I want my name to be Ellowyne in my next life.
Wilde was lovingly created and sculpted by
the talented Robert Tonner. He not only created the
dolls themselves but their costumes as well. We can
identify with Miss Ellowyne sometimes, she's bored
quite a bit and suffers from a touch of melancholy.
This little depressed girl needs to cheer up, but
she is after all a girl after my own heart. Oh did I
forget to mention that she loves herself a cup of
Then there's Evangeline Ghastly. She was inspired by Tim Burton’s
The Corpse Bride, The Addams Family, and even Barbra
Streisand. She was created by designer Joe
Petrollese and sculpted by Robert Tonner. She was
born in the attic of Barkely Manor, loves to dress
herself in gorgeous goth, Victorian clothing and
owns a pet skunk named Mouette. Not too sure if she's a ghost or living, but whatever form she takes,
she is a work of art.
For more information or where to purchase Ellowyne
Wilde or Evangeline Ghastly, please use the following link:
do make better companions -
dead or alive!
We just discovered the coolest scary toy -
though "dark" in concept, they are actually very adorable, funny and
cuter than any stuffed bunny we've ever hugged! So who or what are these
hip little darlings? They are the fashionably bony
Skelanimals feature a variety of
"dead animals" to collect and love... and they glow in the
dark! They come in 8″ plush toys, beanies, vinyl figures, keychains, back packs, breath mints and more. They've even invaded
fashion: apparel, underwear, handbags, shoes and jewelry.
Skelanimals are soon to be the next Hello Kitty -
just a bit on the goth side - but still oh so cute.
Teddy Scares and Living Dead Dolls, each Skelanimal has its own distinct
"personality". Each Skelanimal even has its own favorite scary movie!
Pen the Penguin's
(left) favorite scary movie is "Orca, Orca"
first series of plush toys includes Thomas the Hippo, Quackee the Duck,
Pen the Penguin and Elle the Elephant
(right). Others include: Jack the
Rabbit, ChungKee the Panda, Dax the Dog, Marcy the Monkey and Kit the
We also just love the tag lines of the Skelanimals:
Dead pets are so easy to keep! Dead animals need love too!
by Toynami (big with the anime action figure market), Skelanimals
was created by artist and designer Mitchell Bernal, so they must
have an edge. The toy market has seen creepy dolls, deadly teddy bears
and now the skeleton of animals. We like this trend!
For more information or where to purchase Skelanimals, please use the following link:
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beauty is in the eye of the beholder...
It's really hard to consider these adorably cute
plush toys ugly, horrific or scary. We actually think they are rather cute - guess
beauty is in the eye of the beholder. However, they are a wee bit
different than your average toy.
Uglydolls were created by independent toy
designers David Horvath and Kim Sun-min and first released in 2002. They
have already been recognized when in 2006, they were awarded the
Specialty Toy of the Year award by the Toy Industry of America.
Uglydoll collection were first made in 12" plush and were handmade
by Kin Sun-min. They now are available as
7" Little Uglys, 24" Giant Uglys, 4" plush
key chains, and 7" vinyl Uglys
Each doll includes a small tag describing
the character's distinctive persona.
Some resident
Uglys include:

Ice Bat
(in plush) who lives in an ice cave

or inside an
ice box. He is usually blue,
but is known
to come in specialty
colors from
time to time. Ice-Bat even
briefly in the 2005 film Zathura!

Target is the grandfather of the UglyDolls,
which is why he has hair and
a few extra limbs.
Tray is the brains of the Uglydolls.
She has three brains, one for
each blue eye. The reason
her eyes are
so blue is because she eats so
many blueberries.
For more information or to purchase
these odd little Uglydolls, please use the following link:
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the ideal place to live...
If we were to live anywhere, it would be in a
56 Halloween Village. Ok, maybe you can't really live in one, but
you can decorate the heck out of home or apartment with them. What are
they? They are intricately detailed porcelain pieces done up with
Halloween in mind. Some come equipped with colorful, blinking lights,
some with eerie sounds and others with moving pieces. Halloween would
not be the same without setting up my collection of Department 56
Halloween Village. Perfect as a Halloween collectible.
Department 56 comes out with new pieces every
year while retiring older pieces. And these retired items can really
become valuable on ebay. Some villages, including some retired
villages include: Shipwreck Lighthouse, Be Witching Costume Shop,
Grimsly Manor and Helga's
House of Fortunes.

Shipwreck Lighthouse Be Witching Costume Shop

Grimsly Manor
Helga's House of Fortunes
For more information about Department 56 Halloween Villages, please use the following link:
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all have a little wacky in each of us
These horrorific collectible cards, popular in
the 70's, have a ghoulish, twisted quality and sometimes downright
Wacky Packages were first made by Topps bubble gum in 1967 and
were basically parodies or spoofs of everyday consumer products - from
Kentucky Fried Chicken to Listerine. They were the
size of baseball cards and contained a piece of bubble gum and some
Wacky Packages. The good news is they are still being made today - as
well, they are very popular on ebay where you can still locate
all of our old favorites.

The following site has a good history
of Wacky Packages as well as a gallery of all series. Excellent site:
Official Wacky Packages site: http://www.wackypackages.com
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...now that's our kind
of celebrity!
Zombies are new scary collectible trading cards introduced by the Topps
Company. Just like Wacky Packages, they are creepy and hilarious.
Instead of spoofing well-known consumer products as Wacky Packages have
done, Hollywood Zombies spoof “celebrities” and their lifestyle. Poking
fun at the lame celebrities of today, these cards show them in their
true light!
The series has 72 parody cards including
such notable celebrities as Martha Skewered, Nicole Retchie, Wacko
Jacko, Britney Speared, Paris Hellton and Lindsay Loco.

Some extra surprises! One in every four
packs contains a glow-in-the-dark “Morbid Mug Shot." Hollywood Zombies
have already caught some media attention of their own. They’ve been
featured in Spin, Entertainment Weekly and Wired magazine. They’ve also
been seen in USA Today.
The only
drawback….no gum!
For more information or where to purchase Hollywood
Zombies, please use the following link:
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may not promote good dreams
Teddy Bear Nightmares are
adorably grotesque, handmade teddy bears found on
Etsy.com. Like
The Teddy Scares, these "cuddly" teddy bears
are not really the kind of cuddly and comforting
teddy bears you remember from childhood....more like from
your nightmares (hence their name).
The creator of these teddy bears
reincarnate these once sweet teddy bears from
Goodwill and garage sales and turn them into
something devilish! We really appreciate the
creepy artisan quality of these teddy
Below is one of our of our favorite
Teddy Bear

Mouthy Marvin
Mouthy Marvin was always a hungry
fellow, and through some time scratching his
head he finally figured out what he was hungry
For more information or to
purchase these nightmarish Teddy Bears, please
click on the following link:

...unspeakable terror in a soft,
adorable package!
Terror Teds are
going to make any horror-lover's heart burst
with joy. These horrific cuties are all hand
crafted using professional grade materials and
hand painted. Every single tooth and bone on
theses creations are hand made and painted with
high quality FX materials. They use lots of
liquid latex to create bloody wounds and
drooling mouths! VERY realistic!
At Terror Teds,
not only will they mutilate poor 'ole
teddy bears, they will even ravage the sweetest
of bunnies and kitties! Those bastards!
They also offer
Tiny Terrors,
smaller terrors that would look
awesome sitting on your desk at the office. They
have even introduced an
animatronic teddy bear that
talks and moves! My heart swoons!
You can also have them custom make your own
teddy! Below is one of our of our favorite
Tiny Terror Frog
He is just dying to take a bite out of
For more information or to
purchase these truly awesome Terror Teds, please
click on the following link:
and other horrific stuff!