scary stories for kids
> The Brothers Grimm

The Brothers Grimm
The Brothers Grimm, or Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, were
German brothers best known for publishing a huge collection of fairy tales.
They introduced to the world such classic fairy tales as Little Red
Riding Hood, Rumpelstiltskin, Snow White, Cinderella,
and Hansel and Gretel. As sweet and "Disney-fied" many of these beloved
fairytales are now known to be, their original versions,
authored by the Grimm Brothers, offer a more creepy and sometimes
sinister spin.
Grimm's Fairy Tales was first published in 1812. The first
edition contained 86 fairy tales, however, by the time it reached its
seventh edition, the collection boasted 211 tales!
The following are some of their creepier fairy tales*:
Hansel and
Little Red Riding
The Wolf and
the Seven Little Kids
Brothers Grimm fairy tales can be quite scary so please use caution with
younger children.
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