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Miriam Webster's Dictionary Definition: Main Entry: vam·pire Pronunciation: 'vam-"pI(-&)r Function: noun Etymology: French, from German Vampir, from Serbian vampire 1 : the reanimated body of a dead person believed to come from the grave at night and suck the blood of persons asleep.
My interview with a ‘real’ vampire
Below is the "stereotyped" vampire we all know very well.
In Legends, the Vampire, is a nocturnal creature that rises at night to feast on the blood of the living, terrorizing the minds of people of every culture around the world for centuries.
There are many variations to the appearance of the vampire. Its form is seen to be human, but can so appear grotesquely distorted, with long nails curved like claws, bloodshot eyes, and deathly pallor. The popular, modern depiction of a vampire is a tall, thin, aristocratic man, dressed in a black suit and a long black cape (Bela Lugosi left). He has retractable fangs that are used to the blood from the neck of its victims. He can be a deceiver, luring his young victims through sexual attraction and desire.
They come out at night from their graves between nightfall and down, hunting down innocent victims to drain their blood. Some vampires in Poland and Russia appear from moon to midnight. Not all vampires drink blood, but steals things that are perhaps even more valuable to a human, such as youth, hope, and love. They have the ability to fly, as well as to change forms, or shapeshift into a bat, or other animals, and to mist. They are able to control creatures like rats and wolves, and the elements. Some have the ability to turn invisible.
In most vampire legends, they are required to sleep either in coffins, or return to their graves. They have a need to return to the earth of their homeland each night, or carry their native soil around with them. They cannot cross running water, see their reflection in a mirror, or enter a place uninvited.